No Credit Card Required Your Details Are For MobiTalki's Purposes Only We'll Have Your Mobile Site In A Matter Of Hours
Please fill in and submit the details below to started today! Once we receive your details we will contact you to confirm your order and review your mobile site needs. To get started, please contact us at: [email protected] or fill out and submit the form below:
We Take Care Of It All
We set up your mobile site based on the domain name you enter on the following order form in the following format: We will make all the necessary DNS setups for this url to work right out of the box.
After your trial period and you decide to keep the mobile site, you will be charged $7.95 per month going forward. You can keep using the same mobile web address or you can add a .mobi domain name at any time (or any domain name) to use as your mobile site main domain - (we offer competitive rates on all major domain name extensions).
Please Note: We can set up your account using a .mobi name that you already have registered - you will need to go to your registrar. Contact us for the DNS or we can make all the configurations.
What You Get
We include 9 icon/feature options with each build so you'll have plenty of content from the start to satisfy all your mobile visitor needs. Plus, with your Quick Start Guide, we'll show you how to edit and update your site from there, any time you need to make changes or add content. It's simple, easy and quick.Any questions...just call us for support!
In addition, the Quick Start Guide includes valuable mobile-marketing strategies for you to exponentially grow your business.
To order, fill out the form to gather your details, then in only 2 business days and we provide you with a completed mobile site.
One time build fee: - $497 (check for discounts);and, $7.95 monthly hosting fee (Note: additional charges may apply for E-Commerce and multiple pages. Beyond the 9 icon/feature option ask us for a quote)
1. Describe the web site for your new mobile account